
I create a custom module in my Odoo, one of my models is having a relation to product variant or Product.Product model, I want to use product configurator like in the sales_product_line tree. I already trying to use the widget on my field and import the product configurator module And try to make my view code the same as sales_product_line code, I even add the product_configurator javascript but still no luck. Is there any workaround to achieve this. This is the view that I trying to achieve enter image description here


1 Answers


As per My knowledge Product Configurator can not use in the custom model, This module is only the foundation for external configuration interfaces such as 'product_configurator_wizard' or 'website_product_configurator'.

This module does not configure custom products

but offers the basis for generating, validating, updating configurable products using configuration interfaces.


Karmdip Joshi