
Long time lurker, but first time posting so please bear with me.

I am calling to the MS Graph API to generate a Teams meeting, I previously was doing this same thing but with Application permissions, which MS has decided to deprecate. So I am now setting things up to do this call using User permissions, the new correct way to do it.

I finally got the call itself working in my environment, however I am only getting a URL to join the meeting, no Dial-in or Conference ID so that users can call in from a phone. I've ensured that the account I'm using to generate the meetings is set up with a license for Teams and a Microsoft Audio Conferencing license, but still cannot get Audio Conferencing to return anything other than NULL in the return.

Here's the call I am making to the /beta/me/onlineMeetings endpoint

POST /beta/me/onlineMeetings HTTP/1.1 
Host: graph.microsoft.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer (Token Removed)

"subject":"User Token Meeting"

And here is the main body of the result I get back from Graph:

    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#users('REDACTED')/onlineMeetings/$entity",
    "id": "REDACTED":meeting_NTMyZDEwMzYtY2NmZC00MzVlLTgxNDQtZjYxNDJhYjUxNTY4@thread.v2",
    "creationDateTime": "2020-04-14T19:38:11.4760719Z",
    "startDateTime": "2020-04-14T20:38:34.2444915Z",
    "endDateTime": "2020-04-14T22:00:34.2464912Z",
    "joinUrl": "REDACTED URL",
    "joinWebUrl": "REDACTED URL",
    "subject": "User Token Meeting",
    "isBroadcast": false,
    "autoAdmittedUsers": "Everyone",
    "outerMeetingAutoAdmittedUsers": null,
    "capabilities": [],
    "videoTeleconferenceId": "REDACTED",
    "externalId": null,
    "audioConferencing": null,
    "meetingInfo": null,
    "participants": {
        "organizer": {
            "upn": "REDACTED UPN",
            "identity": {
                "phone": null,
                "guest": null,
                "encrypted": null,
                "onPremises": null,
                "applicationInstance": null,
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "user": {
                    "id": "REDACTED USER ID",
                    "displayName": null,
                    "tenantId": "REDACTED TENANT ID",
                    "identityProvider": "AAD"

Just curious if anyone else is using this call and running into the same issues, or if you know if I need to specify anything in the actual call to Graph to tell it to generate Audio Conferencing as well? Thanks!

We are checking this issue with internal team, will let you know once we receive any aupdate.Subhasish

1 Answers


This appears to be working now. My best guess is that I hadn't given the Audio Conferencing license enough time to replicate in our environment.