I am learning Rxjs and working on ionic 4 app which uses ionic-native http plugin for api calling(It returns promise).I am using below code for making API call/refresh token logic.
Utility file code:(Using from operator to convert promise into observable)
from(this.http.get(url, param, headerMap));
Service file code
return this.utilService.httpCall2('GET', taskURL, null, null).pipe(catchError(err=>{
// return this.utilService.refreshTokenAndRetryCall2().toPromise().then(()=>{
// return this.utilService.httpCall2('GET', taskURL, null, null);
// });
return this.utilService.refreshTokenAndRetryCall2()
throw err;
tap(resp => console.log("API response is", JSON.stringify(resp))), map(resp => JSON.parse(resp.data)),
tap(resp => console.log("parsed data is ", JSON.stringify(resp))));
I want to achieve below scenario
- Call API using utility http method this.utilService.httpCall2('GET', taskURL, null, null).
- If the token is expired then API returns 401 and call refresh token method.
- After refresh token call original api again to get the desired data
So the issue I am facing is after refreshTokenAndRetryCall2() call I am not able to do the original api call with refresh token(i.e, this.utilService.httpCall2('GET', taskURL, null, null)