I have written 9 routines in the last few weeks in Powershell for Domino, they all appear to do what I need except 1!
This is the RegisterNewUser method, which does everything except the Email address. If I setup a user via Domino Administrator, I get everything including the email address ie internal address that is 'bob patz/smallhome'.
If I use my code this uses the registration process but all I end up with is the domain part of the internal email address '@smallhome'.
Does anyone know how to correct this? I don't think powershell uses the @formula language in any form, so I assume i somehow need to find the right column in a document or database and append the fullname in there somehow.
Is there anyone out there who can help in anyway?
regards Mark
This Powershell Function was created in March 2020 by (myself) Mark Baker as 'a' just to see if I can de-mystify some of the Domino Database stucture, after running short bits of code and using Get-Member on some parts of it and looking at online code snippets and reading some of the online info from IBM I have come up with the function below to Create a New Lotus Notes User.
#Original Code: 31/03/2020 by MBaker
A lot of work testing and diagnosing the different settings and values EVENTUALLY lead me to getting this working, as at 08/04/2020 I just need to work out the settings for setting the correct email address per person.
#This is how to use this function:
New-DominoUserRegistration "hazell" "C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\dhazell.id" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome" "Daniel" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\dhazell" " " "password" 176 "dhazell"
Main use of this function is to connect to an IBM Domino Server and Create a New lotus notes user.
Function New-DominoUserRegistration {
param (
# Create Lotus Notes Object
$DomSession = New-Object -ComObject Lotus.NotesSession
# Initialize Lotus Notes Object
# "It'll use your open notes session and authentication Details"
# Use Method from Objects returned in variable $domsession one of which is CreateAdministrationProcess which
# takes a Server as input
$adminProcess = $Domsession.CreateRegistration()
$expiration = (Get-Date).adddays(1095)
$adminprocess.certifieridfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\cert.id"
$adminprocess.Expiration =$expiration
#$adminprocess.RegistrationLog ="C:\program files (x86)\IBM\lotus\notes\data\reglog.nsf"
New-DominoUserRegistration "archer" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\barcher.id" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome" "basil" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\barcher" " " "password" 176 "barcher"
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2Wamq.png