
I have an interactive report which should be populated only after selecting some variables present in Select Lists, and clicking on Submit button.

Since variables are getting populated from the same table through which the interactive report is being populated. Currently, the interactive report gets populated after selecting any value in select lists.

Is there any way by which data can be populated only after clicking the submit button?

Even though the button says "Submit", you don't actually have to submit the page. Have you considered just using a Dynamic Action to refresh the report instead?Dan McGhan
Refreshing the report refreshes the selected values in many select lists, I have included in the report.Yash Sharma

2 Answers


This is how I understood the problem:

  • there's an interactive report; its query looks like (just for example) select * From emp (emp being Scott's sample table)
  • there are several select list items on the page, e.g. deptno and job
  • their sources are columns of the same emp table, e.g.

    select d.dname d, e.deptno r
    from emp e join dept d on e.deptno = d.deptno


    select e.job d, e.job r
    from emp e
  • as soon as you select department and/or job from their select lists, interactive report is refreshed and displays the result

  • you do not want such a behavior, but
    • select deptno
    • select job
    • push the "Submit" button
    • then refresh the report

If that's so, I believe that select list items' Page action on selection property is set to something which is not None, but Submit or Redirect and set value. Solution? Set that property to none. It means that you'll select values, but report won't be refreshed until you submit the page, and you'll do that manually by pushing the button.


You could have a hidden item e.g. P1_SHOW_DATA and reference it in the report query:


Then only set this item to 'Y' when the Submit button is clicked.