I tried to make a Minecraft Server, using the suggestions I've seen people telling others to use the Paper API. So I got all the files, and I allocated 512 MB of ram to it (using -Xmx512M), and it runs completely fine! But it bumps into the limit of RAM too much, so I tried to push it to 3 GB (using -Xmx3G). (A bit excessive, for what I'm using it for, but it'll help me sleep at night, knowing I have a server that's not running into issues) but then I run into the problem where Java simply does not want to start.
I experimented a bit, found that anything higher than 1.5G and Java starts having problems. Could not reserve enough space for 3145728KB object heap .
So I went looking around, and found people saying "Add an Environment Variable to the System Variables with _JAVA_OPTIONS and -Xmx3G" and whatever, and it appears to not change anything for me. Java still doesn't want to start. Does anyone know how this is? I can't seem to update my Java to any higher version, assuming mine was outdated. So it can't be an update, and not everyone runs into this issue because a server manager once told me their server ran with 10GB of ram.
I'd ask them, but I've lost contact, so I'm asking here instead.