I want to train a random forest model on a dataset with large missingness. I am aware of the 'standard method', where we impute missing data in the training set, use the same imputation rules to impute the test set, then train a random forest model on the imputed training set and use the same model to predict on the test set (potentially doing it with multiple imputation).
What I want to understand is the difference to the following method which I would like to use:
Subset the dataset according to missing patterns. Train random forest models for each of the missing patterns. Use the random forest model trained on missing pattern A to predict data from the test set with missing pattern A. Use the model trained on pattern B to predict data from the test set with pattern B etc.
What is the name for this method? What are the statistical advantages or disadvantages of the two methods? I would very much appreciate if someone could direct me to some literature on the second method, or the comparison of the two.