Can we run part of Selenium and Karate together? I need to invoke a SOAP service, capture a value from the SOAP response and then pass that value in GUI, and run the GUI test using Selenium. So- how can we create a single Test Runner- which can include @Runwith- for both- Cucumber.class and Karate.class- To write a Scenario in a feature file something like this- Scenario: soap 1.1 Given request """ 2 3 """ When soap action '' Then status 200 And match /Envelope/Body/AddResponse/AddResult == 5 And print 'response: ', response Then user logs in to the GUI app And passes value of "variable" from the response in field X
1 Answers
Karate can replace Selenium now, you can use Karate for your entire end-to-end flow. Pay attention to point (9).
Also see this answer: