
I'm using the Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake nuget package to write and append file on my Azure Storage account that is enabled for Data Lake Gen2 (including hierarchy).

However, I need to set the Content Type of a new file I create and I don't succeed in it, although I thought I had things written correctly. Here's my code:

public async Task<bool> WriteBytes(string fileName, byte[] recordContent, string contentType)
    var directory = await CreateDirectoryIfNotExists();
    var fileClient = await directory.CreateFileAsync(fileName, 
        new PathHttpHeaders 
            ContentType = contentType

    long recordSize = recordContent.Length;
    var recordStream = new MemoryStream(recordContent);

    await fileClient.AppendAsync(recordStream, offset: 0);
    await fileClient.FlushAsync(position: recordSize);
    return true;

The result after the execution of the above code looks like this (the default content-type is kept):

enter image description here

Thanks for any insights


1 Answers


I am able to reproduce the behavior you're seeing. Basically the issue is with fileClient.FlushAsync() method. Before calling this method, I checked the content type of the file and it was set properly. However after execution of this method, the content type was changed to application/octet-stream (which is the default).

Looking at the documentation for this method here, you can also set the headers in this method. I tried doing the same and the content type changed to the desired one.

        var headers = new PathHttpHeaders()
            ContentType = "text/plain"
        await fileClient.FlushAsync(position: recordSize, httpHeaders: headers);