
I know how to draw an object arrow on the chart, which I usually do like this:

      ObjectSetInteger(0, "prevHigh", OBJPROP_COLOR, clrRed);

Now I have an indicator which (I didn't code myself and is a .ex4 file which) draws up/down arrows on the chart as seen in the image (https://imgur.com/a/8yG0suw).

enter image description here

How can I when for example a Magenta down arrow has been drawn and the candle (index) at which it is drawn?

Please note that the arrows not in the list of objects on the chart enter image description here

Can you prove, that the arrow objects drawn are --not-- in the list of objects ( by posting a printscreen thereof ? )user3666197
@user3666197 Here is a screenshot of the list of all objects (imgur.com/a/4lRea6Y)BBNN
@BBNN I am very interested in your question so I started a bounty for it.Hilarious404
@Hilarious404 Wow, thanks. I haven't been able to arrive at a solution yet. Hopefully this will helpBBNN
The claimed problem keeps not to be REPRODUCIBLE - would you mind, BBNN, to meet the StackOverflow Rules and post the MQL4 Custom Indicator, that you refer to have used for "producing" the PrintScreen-ed pictures? Not doing so will cause the @Hilarious404 sponsored bounty to just expire in vain.user3666197

1 Answers


Q : "How can I recognise programmatically when an up/down arrow is drawn on a chart?"

Given the facts above, your test ought evaluate the moment the CustomIndicator ( via a published / used iCustom()-call signature ) by checking it as it goes from EMPTY_VALUE to any value != EMPTY_VALUE.

Given the CustomIndicator is a closed source ( *.ex4 ) you may need to check, if it did set its own ( hidden from our sight ) value, other than a current visible EMPTY_VALUE, yet this "re-calibration" will work, after you get a few manual tests of the CustomIndicator values for bars, that do not show any arrow - like for the 2020-Apr-08 09:30 et al v/s the displayed arrows are not the MQL4-Objects on their own, they are the closed-source CustomIndicator's SetIndexStyle() / SetIndexArrow() by-products, thus not inspectable either in the Object-List, or in the *.mq4 source-code.

Yet, detectable