
Yesterday I was trying to disconnect an App Service VNet integration in Powershell. I asked this question, and I got an answer. However, even if I knew the Powershell cmdlet specified in the solution, I would still be dependent on knowing that an App Service VNet integration has a resource type "Microsoft.Web/sites/config". I don't know how to arrive at that information, and I will surely face similar questions in the future.

Where is the resource type of a VNet Integration defined? How do I access this information?

  • I've searched the Resource Explorer in the Portal and found nothing for VNet integration
  • I've used the Export Template feature i the AppService blade. There I see a resource type "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections" which seems like it was what I needed, but it wasn't...
  • I've tried to track it down using the Resource Graph Explorer with no luck
  • I haven't found the right place to look in the Azure documentation, if there is one.

Maybe I've missed it, but it's definitely non-obvious to me.


1 Answers


To find the resource type of the VNet Integration, the trick is to use the developer tool to catch the request of the OK button below when you configure it.

1.Select the vnet and subnet, open the dev tool before click the OK button.

enter image description here

2.Click the OK button, you will be able to find the resource type Microsoft.Web/sites/config in the request response.

enter image description here