
After upgrading the project to Angular 9.1, the CLI is throwing multiple warnings for various libraries like below:

Warning: Entry point '@azure/msal-angular' contains deep imports into 'node_modules/msal/lib-commonjs/utils/UrlUtils'. This is probably not a problem, but may cause the compilation of entry points to be out of order.

Warning: Entry point 'ngx-toastr' contains deep imports into 'node_modules/@angular/compiler/src/core'. This is probably not a problem, but may cause the compilation of entry points to be out of order.

I search for this warning and got this Github issue: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/35615

This slilences the warning. But what is the root cause of this warning and how to fix it instead of just supressing the warning?


1 Answers


Not sure if this will help you, but I solved the same "ngx-toastr" warning message by installing the latest version from https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-toastr/v/12.0.1

Perhaps the older version(s) of "ngx-toastr" aren't compatible with Angular CLI 9.1 ?

This is the relevant section of my package.json post update.

 "ngx-toastr": "^12.0.1",

Perhaps "@azure/msal-angular" can be resolved in the same way (although I haven't used this package).

Good Luck!
