I'm currently trying to render dynamic v-icon
components in my vuetify
I have a list of item for which I want to set a specific icon per item.
So my list is :
v-for="application in installedApplications"
:to="{ name: application.verboseName + 'Dashboard' }"
<v-tooltip right>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<v-icon v-on="on">mdi-{{ application.icon }}</v-icon>
<span>{{ application.verboseName }}</span>
{{ application.verboseName }}
You can see that I loop my installedApplications
to populate my sidebar with icons.
My application
s have an attribute icon
so that doing application.icon
returns something like home
, archive
or whatever icon name we can find here.
Whereas doing <v-icon>mdi-home</v-icon
will display properly the desired icon, I'd like to be able to do <v-icon>mdi-{{ application.icon }}</v-icon>
(I tried in my template above) but it doesn't work.
Any idea to solve that ? Maybe I missed some detail ?