I am trying to do a simple program in Prolog that would decide if the predicate is True or False. Basically I solved the problem, but I found one input that does not work. I know why but I have no idea how to solve it.
The predicate is in this form:
getPred(L, A, B, Y)
L - is a list containing intv predicates - intv(K,L,V) - < K,L > is interval and V is any value
< A,B > - is an interval
Y - value
The task is:
If < K,L > is in < A,B > add V to a sum. If it does not belong to < A,B >, ignore it.
Finally, compare the sum of correct V values with Y. If it is equal - True, otherwise False.
Here is the example of correct TRUE predicates:
getPred([intv(2,10,15),intv(5,8,23), intv(12,15,8), intv(14,17,13)], 3, 16, 31).
getPred([intv(2,10,15),intv(5,8,23), intv(12,15,8), intv(14,17,13)], 3, 20, 44).
My code is:
getPred(List, A, B, Y) :-
S is 0,
program(List, A, B, Y, S).
program([], _, _, Y, S) :-
S =:= Y.
program([intv(K,L,V)|P], A, B, Y, S) :-
isinINTV(K, L, V, A, B, P, Y, S).
isinINTV(K, L, V, A, B, P, Y, S) :-
K >= A,
L =< B,
S2 = S+V,
isinINTV(K, L, V, A, B, P, Y, S) :-
My program worked perfectly unless I tried this predicate getPred([intv(2,10,10),intv(5,8,10)], 1, 20, 10).
The problem is that when Y != S, the recursion is going back and asks the same condition again but later Y == S because going back in recursion means that there is an old value in S.
Thank you for help. Important thing: I do not want to use any built-in predicates.
S2 = S+V
toS2 is S+V
. Don't confuse term unification (=/2
) with arithmetic evaluation (is/2
). – Paulo Moura>=/2
, andis/2
are built-in predicates. – Paulo Moura