I have Storage account kagsa1
with container cont1
inside and need it to accessible (mounted) via Databricks
If I use storage account key in KeyVault it works correctly:
configs = {
"fs.azure.account.key.kagsa1.blob.core.windows.net":dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "kv-db1", key = "storage-account-access-key")
source = "wasbs://cont1@kagsa1.blob.core.windows.net",
mount_point = "/mnt/cont1",
extra_configs = configs)
..but if I'm trying to connect using Azure Active Directory credentials:
configs = {
"fs.azure.account.auth.type": "CustomAccessToken",
"fs.azure.account.custom.token.provider.class": spark.conf.get("spark.databricks.passthrough.adls.gen2.tokenProviderClassName")
..it fails:
ExecutionError: An error occurred while calling z:com.databricks.backend.daemon.dbutils.FSUtils.ls.
: GET https://kagsa1.dfs.core.windows.net/cont1?resource=filesystem&maxResults=5000&timeout=90&recursive=false
StatusDescription=This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
ErrorMessage=This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
Databrics Workspace tier is Premium,
Cluster has Azure Data Lake Storage Credential Passthrough option enabled,
Storage account has hierarchical namespace option enabled,
Filesystem was initialized with
spark.conf.set("fs.azure.createRemoteFileSystemDuringInitialization", "true")
spark.conf.set("fs.azure.createRemoteFileSystemDuringInitialization", "false")
and I have full access to container in storage account:
What am I doing wrong?