
I have a test plan in VSTS and I have associated automated test cases with the tests in VSTS. Now when I try to update the test plan by executing the automated tests in build pipeline "Select tests using" Test assemblies, the test plan is not getting updated

I tried to Select tests using Test Plan, then test plan is getting updated.

Can anyone help me in updating the test plan by selecting the tests using Test assemblies

Maybe it's just not supported. Check this earlier post.Pod Mo
What you encountered is expected behavior by design, if you do want the Test Assemblies to have the ability to update Test Plan, consider posting feature request in our User Voice forum. Hope my answer helps.LoLance
Hi friend, is there any update for this issue? Please check if my answer helps to resolve your puzzle, just a reminder of this.LoLance

1 Answers


Can I update test plan by executing automated tests in build pipeline using Test assemblies

Sorry but this's not currently supported. If we choose Test Assembly option, the test results won't be updated to Test Plan. This is by design of this task.

Just like the link in comment above from ReadyToLearn states, if you want to update Test Plan automatically after test execution, you should use Test Plan instead of Test Assemblies. Hope my answer helps to resolve your puzzle :)