I'm using the Vue vee-validity library, I'm managing to validate the fields normally before clicking the submit button.
However I want to do something, when I click on submit a post is made with the data. If there is a user error, I would like to inform in the input that the user is not available.
How can I access the methods inside catch on axios to inform a given message? or is there another alternative?
v-slot="{ errors }"
:type="{ 'is-danger': errors[0] }"
<b-input v-model="username"></b-input>
.post(...{ })
.then(response => {})
.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status == 400){ // Invalid username and/or password }
else if (error.response.status == 409){ // username already exists }
else if(error.response.status == 500){ // Unknown Error }