
I am using ultimate 2019.3

I am getting this weird thing that it shows lots of compilation errors on depnedenceis such as Spring, Vertx, Guava and stuff like this, but gradle clean build and cmd + F9 works fine.

I tried stuff I found here:

  • invalidate caches and restart
  • delete both .m2 and .gradle/cahces
  • delete .idea (didn't find any *.iml
  • delete the repository and clone it again from GIT, importing it again to IntelliJ.
  • project structure -> set to Java 1.8 and checked structure and libraries - nothing out of the ordinary.
  • installed plugin - choose runtime and set IntelliJ to run on Java 1.8

nothing worked!

Maybe its JDK issue? I see my java -version returns 1.8 but IntelliJ runs with JDK 11.

I am completely lost and have no idea what to do.

Please help.

Regards, Ido

Make sure you are not using JetBrains Runtime for compilation in IntelliJ IDEA. See jetbrains.com/help/idea/… . However, if IDE build works without errors, but the editor displays errors, it's probably some caches problem. Try with jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion and see if it helps.CrazyCoder
thanks but didn't work. I didn't try the 2020 as I don't like versions that are not yet fully releasedIdo Barash
Please contact support at intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/requests/new with the sample project and the logs attached (Help | Compress Logs and Show in ...). Also provide the screenshot of the errors.CrazyCoder
Note that you don't need to configure IntelliJ IDEA to run on JDK 1.8, it's not related to the JDK used to build your project.CrazyCoder

1 Answers


Fixed it like this:

  • I deleted .gradle/cahces
  • I removed IntelliJ 2019.3
  • I also deleted my local repository

Tried to remove all old installations/version/repos.

  • Downloaded and installed 2020.1
  • git cloned my reposotory again
  • imported my project

**And it works !! **

I hanve no idea why... maybe the new version. maybe its the uninstall and remove all caches and versions.

Thanks to all of you who helped me.

Regards, Ido