Due to overhead issues, instead of reading a large matrix from a sheet cell by cell, I would like to load the total matrix into a function's multi-dimensional array and then be able to access any value in the matrix. I tried code below. Results commented below function.
function Analyze() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var BondInputSS = ss.getSheetByName("BOND INPUT");
var values = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange("F9:BD57").getValues();
var data1 = values [4];
var data2 = values [4,3];
In the debugger, values seems to be array(51) where each total row is a separate row. data1 is also an array = 4th row of values array. data2 is also an array = 3th row of values array.
Is there anyway to get the spreadsheet range directly into an array that I could array type controls to get to the data (e.g.; data3 = values[2,3] is equal to value in cell offset by (2,4) or value in J11)
– TheMaster