I am very new in R Markdown and I am trying to neatly display a list of dataframes. I know I can use Pander(my_list) easily but I also want to have the option of using kable's features to group column names and etc.
I use the following code obtained from: Unexpected behavior of kable when called from lapply or from function with print statement
````{r, results='asis'}
for(i in seq_along(my_list)) {
kable(my_list[[i]], format = "latex", caption = paste("UG",names(my_list)[i]), longtable = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 7, latex_options = "repeat_header", full_width = FALSE)
The results I get when I knit the HTML output is like this:
## \begingroup\fontsize{7}{9}\selectfont
## \begin{longtable}[t]{l|r|r|r|r}
## \caption{\label{tab:Shear Tables}UG 100-12}\\
## \hline
## & Shear.Ext\_Multi.lane & Shear.Ext\_Single.lane & Shear.Int\_Multi.lane & Shear.Int\_Single.lane\\
## \hline
## \endfirsthead
## \caption[]{UG 100-12 \textit{(continued)}}\\
## \hline
## & Shear.Ext\_Multi.lane & Shear.Ext\_Single.lane & Shear.Int\_Multi.lane & Shear.Int\_Single.lane\\
## \hline
## \endhead
## Baseline & 0.9331401 & 0.7765624 & 0.8770695 & 0.6399386\\
## \hline
## Sample1 & 0.9389007 & 0.7811566 & 0.8609600 & 0.6370761\\
## \hline
## Sample2 & 0.9344672 & 0.7802461 & 0.9011831 & 0.6705924\\
## \hline
## \end{longtable}
## \endgroup{}
``` continues
How can I get separate tables to display in R Markdown?
```{r, results='asis'}
– rawr{r Shear Tables, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='asis'}
and nothing prints at all – Maral Dorri