I've mounted a plugin on Vue in a main.ts file, declared its type in a plugin.d.ts file, then used it in a component.vue file. The compilation works fine, but VSCode intellisense still tells me this property does not exist. Am I missing anything? Here are the codes.
import Vue as _Vue from 'vue'
export class Plugin {
someFunc() { //do something }
const plugin = new Plugin()
export default function myPlugin(Vue: typeof _Vue) {
Vue.prototye.$plugin = plugin
and for declaration,
import { Plugin } from './plugin'
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
interface Vue {
$plugin: Plugin
then I mount it in an entry point,
import Vue from 'vue'
import plugin from './plugin'
finally, I want to use the plugin in a component,
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-proprety-decorator'
export default class MyComponnent extends Vue {
func() {
The compilation shows no problem, but intellisense tells me "Property '$plugin' does not exist on type 'MyComponent'." and autocompletion does not work.
Did I do anything wrong?