My goal is to aggregate 2 collections where in one, namely the user collection, I have an array of string type objectid that represent the actual ids in the other collection, namely the images collection. im using the following code
await dbConn()
return User.aggregate([
$match:{_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)}
so there's a match of one item in the users collection. then deconstructing the imgIds array and trying to make the connection between the two with lookup whereas localField is a string and _id is an ObjectId. The result is ImgObjs is an empty array.
Any thoughts about this one? Im using version Mongo 3.6.12
I found out something very strange in my server behavior. When im doing a simple findById call, my image item is an array of ObjectId. But when using aggregate, the ObjecIds become String. Anyone has any idea whats up here?
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5e86209dd907804180cb4e11" }, "title": "flowers", "url": "", "user": "5e86216947d8db4d9880ba9b", "__v": 0 }
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5e86216947d8db4d9880ba9b" }, "following": [], "followers": [], "imgIds": [ "5e86209dd907804180cb4e12" ], "name": "Josh", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "123456", "__v": 0 } – Danny Boris Ov4.0
or latest4.2
. Or you need to convert all those strings toObjectId()
in code & update all docs then you'll be able to do your$lookup
– whoami - fakeFaceTrueSoul