We use terraform resource "kubernetes_deployment" to deploy our pods. Our pods have readiness probes, but these probes are not good enough because we need external feedback to decide if a pod is ready. In our case, a pod is ready only after external program creates a file in aws S3 bucket, and this is a manual step, which may be completed at random time (can be several days/weeks) so readiness probe is not good, becuase it will fail and leave our pod in "unready" state. We understand kubernetes 1.14 introduced something called readiness-gate. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-readiness-gate However it seems terraform resource "kubernetes_deployment" does not support pod readiness-gates.
Note that we prefer using kubernetes deployment (rather than defining pods directly) because we need rolling update strategy.
How can we define pod readiness-gates with terraform?