I am working on a spring batch project in which I am reading a list of students, processing it and writing it.
For now I have kept it simple and processing just returns the student and write just prints it.
I was expecting every-time the step runs I will see the output but I see it only once when the step runs for the first time. Below is the output
2020-04-03 01:33:16.153 INFO 14710 --- [ main] o.s.batch.core.job.SimpleStepHandler : Executing step: [xxxx]
[Student{id=1, name='ABC'}]
[Student{id=2, name='DEF'}]
[Student{id=3, name='GHI'}]
2020-04-03 01:33:16.187 INFO 14710 --- [ main] o.s.batch.core.step.AbstractStep : Step: [xxxx] executed in 33ms
2020-04-03 01:33:16.190 INFO 14710 --- [ main] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher : Job: [SimpleJob: [name=readStudents]] completed with the following parameters: [{}] and the following status: [COMPLETED] in 52ms
job triggered
2020-04-03 01:33:17.011 INFO 14710 --- [ scheduling-1] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher : Job: [SimpleJob: [name=readStudents]] launched with the following parameters: [{time=1585857797003}]
2020-04-03 01:33:17.017 INFO 14710 --- [ scheduling-1] o.s.batch.core.job.SimpleStepHandler : Executing step: [xxxx]
2020-04-03 01:33:17.022 INFO 14710 --- [ scheduling-1] o.s.batch.core.step.AbstractStep : Step: [xxxx] executed in 4ms
2020-04-03 01:33:17.024 INFO 14710 --- [ scheduling-1] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher : Job: [SimpleJob: [name=readStudents]] completed with the following parameters: [{time=1585857797003}] and the following status: [COMPLETED] in 11ms
Also I notice that first time there are no parameters in job and after that there are parameters. Whereas I am supplying job parameters whenever I run job.
Config file
public class Config {
private JobRunner jobRunner;
public Config(JobRunner jobRunner){
this.jobRunner = jobRunner;
@Scheduled(cron = "* * * * * *")
public void scheduleJob() throws JobParametersInvalidException, JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException, JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException {
System.out.println("job triggered");
public class JobConfig {
public Job job(JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory,
StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
ItemReader<Student> reader,
ItemProcessor<Student, Student> processor,
ItemWriter<Student> writer) {
Step step = stepBuilderFactory.get("xxxx")
.<Student, Student>chunk(1)
return jobBuilderFactory
public ItemReader<Student> reader() {
return new InMemoryStudentReader();
Job runner file
public class JobRunner {
private Job job;
private JobLauncher simpleJobLauncher;
public JobRunner(Job job, JobLauncher jobLauncher) {
this.simpleJobLauncher = jobLauncher;
this.job = job;
public void runJob() throws JobParametersInvalidException, JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException, JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException {
JobParameters jobParameters =
new JobParametersBuilder()
simpleJobLauncher.run(job, jobParameters);
In memory student reader
public class InMemoryStudentReader implements ItemReader<Student> {
private int nextStudentIndex;
private List<Student> studentData;
public InMemoryStudentReader() {
private void initialize() {
Student s1 = new Student(1, "ABC");
Student s2 = new Student(2, "DEF");
Student s3 = new Student(3, "GHI");
studentData = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(s1, s2,s3));
nextStudentIndex = 0;
public Student read() throws Exception {
Student nextStudent = null;
if (nextStudentIndex < studentData.size()) {
nextStudent = studentData.get(nextStudentIndex);
return nextStudent;
is your problem please remove counter and try :) – Ihar Sadounikau