
For example:

  • My CouchDB is hosted on: example.com
  • The CouchDB database name is: foo
  • The View name is: my_view

So, when I put these together to construct the URL, I get:

The above URL shows:


Why is this error given?

The expected result is that that the documents corresponding to the "my_view" view are listed.

More Info:

If I visit http://www.example.com/foo, I get the expected response:


If I visit http://www.example.com/foo/_design/my_view, I get the expected response:


I'm using CouchDB v1.0.2 on Windows7/Chrome

Full content of my design document (real values shown, not example.com)

  "views": {
    "locations": {
      "map":"function(doc) {\n  emit(doc.type === \"location\" && doc.name);\n}"
What is the full content of your design document?Dominic Barnes
You must not have your example URLs quite right... Shouldn't the third on be example.com/foo/_design/my_design_doc?Matt Passell

1 Answers


The correct URL path is /<db>/_design/<design>/_view/<view>.

From your real URL given in the comments, this would be the correct URL:


And indeed it returns the expected view:


Querying only /_design/locations will return the document itself:

{"_id":"_design/locations","_rev":"1-0f7fbdd2f5b4213591e171b6e546af3a","language":"javascript","views":{"locations":{"map":"function(doc) {\n  emit(doc.type === \"location\" && doc.name);\n}"}}}