I currently have a AppSync schema where I created a separate query within the AppSync console in order retain certain parameter (assetId) and get a list of the results in my DynamoDB table. I have tested the query already within the AppSync console and it works fine, I am now just having troubles using Amplify in my React App in order to call the query. I get the following error when running my App:
DisplayCard.js:34 Uncaught (in promise) {data: null, errors: Array(1)}
"Validation error of type FieldUndefined: Field 'getAssetIdRating' in type 'Query' is undefined @ 'getAssetIdRating'"
I have tried following the documentation as per the Amplify site (https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/js/api) but am still receiving this error.
For reference here is the query when I run it in the AppSync console: (returns the desired result)
query getAssetIdRating {
getRatingsAssetId(assetId:"949142fb-91d2-41bd-8c04-1d42ed8166c9") {
items {
The resolver that I am using for this query is the following: (I have created a separate Index)
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"index": "assetId-index",
"query" : {
## Provide a query expression. **
"expression": "assetId = :assetId",
"expressionValues" : {
":assetId" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.assetId)
And now moving onto my React code, this is the current query that I am using within react, under src/graphql/queries.
export const getAssetIdRating = /* GraphQL */ `
query getRatingAssetId($assetId: ID) {
getAssetIdRating(assetId: $assetId) {
items {
And when I call it then in my React application:
componentDidMount = async () => {
getRatings = async () => {
let { assetIdRatings } = this.state;
const result = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(queries.getAssetIdRating, {assetId: '949142fb-91d2-41bd-8c04-1d42ed8166c9'}));
Note that when I call the listRatings query it works fine, just does not work with this query. And as a side note, I added this query later in manually through the AppSync console, I don't presume that should play an issue?
Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated! And I can upload anymore necessary code if required! Thanks for the help!