
I tried an web service example from the below mention link


In the example when we generate the client code using wsdl2java the url used is as mention in title i.e. http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ Is there any way by which i can use custom name insted of axis2/services for ex. ponds/accounts

I tried with packages, keeping the aar file in newly created folder in services directory but not working

Just to be sure: QUOTE: Axis2 assumes that all your service implementations are in a directory called services, in WEB-INF folder. so if you are not changing that, you don't have to modify axis2.xml file. ( From the link i posted )Rafael Herscovici

1 Answers


Try this

in the axis2.xml you'll see

<parameter name="contextRoot">axis2</parameter>

Its usually commented out and I suspect axis just uses axis2 by default. but try changing it and see if that fixes it

I don't think you're using eclipse but if you are it has an easier way of changing the context root through Project Properties -> Web Project Settings