
I did the following in excel to get the MTD day of current month - i.e. if today is 31 march 2020, I should get 30 as number of days in the MTD.

Im wondering whether this can be done in a single formula within the need of having =today() formula to get the current date first and separately use =day()-1 to get the MTD days? - this case would be 2 separate formulas.

enter image description here

Try =DAY(TODAY())-1.Enigmativity
See Excel function EOMONTH.. EOMONTH(Today(),-1) will give you previous months last date. So Today()-EOMONTH(Today(),-1)-1 is what you are looking forNaresh

2 Answers


try like this in Google Sheets:


To get the date 1 day before the current date, i.e. the MTD days that have completed you could use this:


However, what is the MTD on April 1, 2020? It'd be april fools I guess becuase their is no April 0, 2020. To get around this you could use:


Admittedly the second one is pretty messy.