I have a WSO2 Identity Server (v5.1.0) that working as a SSO for a group of application. Recently when I try to login and redirect to the application I get the error "SAML assertion expired".
This is my service Provider:
I have a WSO2 Identity Server (v5.1.0) that working as a SSO for a group of application. Recently when I try to login and redirect to the application I get the error "SAML assertion expired".
This is my service Provider:
Your application must be validating the below parameters of the SAML response sent by WSO2 to your application.
Please check if your application server's time and the Identity Server's time are not synced. (No need to reside on the same time zone)
To see what's the timestamp mentioned there in the sent SAML response, you can check the browser's network tracer as below.