
We are working in the customer Azure tenant as members and integrated DevOps GIT to the ADF resource.

We have successfully created and merged the changes to the collaboration branch but have not been able to publish from there to the adf_publish repo as we get the following error:

"The client "value" with the id Object "value" is not authorized to perform the action "...Microsoft.Resources / deployments / write" on the scope "... /providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/publishing_1585587726090" or the scope is invalid. If access has been granted recently, update the credentials."

What could be the problem? I am already in the collaboration branch (master).

The configuration of our accounts are:

Data factory role: Data Factory contributor

DevOps role: Contributor

Data factory GIT repo security configuration: repo security configuration


1 Answers


You need to be Data Factory Contributor at the resource group level.