I am trying to run a Google Cloud Tasks task using a Cloud Function, but I'm hitting an error where any region I try to use is wrong.
The code is basic. All is well until it stops because of the following error:
Error: {"code":3,"message":"Location 'europe-west1' is not a valid location. Use ListLocations to list valid locations.","details":[]}
If I attempt to use, for example, us-central1, it will report:
Error: {"code":3,"message":"Location must equal europe-west1 because the App Engine app that is associated with this project is located in europe-west1","details":[]}
I am using the Google Cloud Tasks API with Node.js for creating a new Task:
const client = new CloudTasksClient({ fallback: true });
const parent = client.queuePath(PROJECT, 'europe-west1', QUEUE);
A full example can be found here: https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-tasks/blob/master/samples/createHttpTaskWithToken.js
The URL called is: ""https://cloudtasks.googleapis.com:443/$rpc/google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks/CreateTask"
If I run the locations list command, this is the output:
$ gcloud tasks locations list
europe-west1 projects/[project-id]/locations/europe-west1
Edit: Using the REST API (https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/reference/rest/v2beta3/projects.locations.queues.tasks/create) with the same configuration works. It may be a bug in the client?
I am really not sure what is wrong with my setup.
Not sure what information would be helpful to debug this, so apologies in advance if there's not enough information.
– John Hanleyeurope-west
too, but returns the same error. I think the client will build that URL with the information passed through the SDK, but I can try execute a manual call with that – user1886812