I'm trying to use the Keycloak API (in node via keycloak-admin library) but I systematically get error 403.
I get successfully an access token via the library; by calling /auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
(on master realm) .
When I look inside my token, I seem to have the correct roles to be able to query the users :
{ "jti": "xx-..", "exp": 1585561478, "nbf": 0, "iat": 1585561418, "iss": "https://auth-mycompany.com/auth/realms/master", "aud": "mycompany-realm", "sub": "xx-..", "typ": "Bearer", "azp": "admin-cli", "auth_time": 0, "session_state": "xx-..", "acr": "1", "resource_access": { "mycompany-realm": { "roles": [ "view-users", "query-groups", "query-users" ] } }, "scope": "email profile", "email_verified": true, "name": "myname", "preferred_username": "myname", "given_name": "my name", "email": "[email protected]" }
However , when I do a GET
on https://auth-mycompany.com/auth/admin/realms/master/users or https://auth-mycompany.com/auth/admin/realms/mycompany/users ; I get 403 errors.
Maybe it's linked with the "aud" of my token ? Why do I get a token with "aud": "mycompany-realm" when I query master realm ?
Thanks for any help.
means audience field of access token so nothing wrong on that.Get the token frommaster
realm and fire same query again and see its working or not. – Subodh Joshi