
I defined several tables in AWS glue.

Over the past few weeks, I've had different issues with the table definition which I had to fix manually - I want to change column names, or types, or change the serialization lib. However, If i already have partitions created, the repairing of table doesn't change them, and so I have to delete all partitions manually and then repairing.

Is there a simple way to do this? Delete all partitions from an AWS Glue table? I'm using aws batch-delete-partition CLI command, but it's syntax is tricky, and there are some limitations on the amount of partitions you can delete in one go, the whole thing is cumbersome...

using boto3 with python might be the more elegant solution you are looking for, any reason for sticking with aws cli?Golammott
@Golammott No reason really... I really expected this to be an easy thing to do, by the AWS CLI or otherwise, without having to write code. I'd rather not write python scripts if I can avoid it. If you can post your python code it'll helpYossi Vainshtein

3 Answers


For now, I found this command line solution, runinng aws glue batch-delete-partition iteratively for batches of 25 partitions using xargs

(here I am assuming there are max 1000 partitions):

aws glue get-partitions --database-name=<my-database> --table-name=<my-table> | jq -cr '[ { Values: .Partitions[].Values } ]' > partitions.json

seq 0 25 1000 | xargs -I _ bash -c "cat partitions.json | jq -c '.[_:_+25]'" | while read X; do aws glue batch-delete-partition --database-name=<my-database> --table-name=<my-table > --partitions-to-delete=$X; done

Hope it helps someone, but I'd prefer a more elegant solution


Using python3 with boto3 looks a little bit nicer. Albeit not by much :)

Unfortunately AWS doesn't provide a way to delete all partitions without batching 25 requests at a time.

import boto3

glue_client = boto3.client("glue", "us-west-2")

def get_and_delete_partitions(database, table, batch=25):
    partitions = glue_client.get_partitions(

    for i in range(0, len(partitions), batch):
        to_delete = [{k:v[k]} for k,v in zip(["Values"]*batch, partitions[i:i+batch])]

Here is a PowerShell version FWIW:

$database = 'your db name'
$table = 'your table name'
# Set the variables above

$batch_size = 25
Set-DefaultAWSRegion -Region eu-west-2
$partition_list = Get-GLUEPartitionList -DatabaseName $database -TableName $table

$selected_partitions = $partition_list
# Uncomment and edit predicate to select only certain partitions
# $selected_partitions = $partition_list | Where-Object {$_.Values[0] -gt '2020-07-20'} 

$selected_values = $selected_partitions | Select-Object -Property Values

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $selected_values.Count; $i += $batch_size) {
    $chunk = $selected_values[$i..($i + $batch_size - 1)]
    Remove-GLUEPartitionBatch -DatabaseName $database -TableName $table -PartitionsToDelete $chunk -Force

# Now run `MSCK REPAIR TABLE db_name.table_name` to add the partitions again