
I have a function app which triggers when blob is uploaded or updated. But in my requirement, my container might receive thousands of blobs at a time (customer will upload blobs to container in batch). In this case, as I know function app will run in parallel for each blobs in container. But I need to process them in queue. So, I am thinking to make use of Queue Storage here. Whenever a blob is uploaded let me add that blob name as a queue message to Queue storage via Blob Triggered Function App then I will have a Queue Triggered Function App which will trigger and process the blob in queue. Correct me if my approach is wrong? Also, I need to know is there any way to add queue message from function app.

Add the code in your azure function body, or set the output binding in declarative part. Queue Trigger will triggered according to the time that the messages come in.Cindy Pau

2 Answers


You should use in your scenario Azure Event Grid push-pull event pattern, where the storage account will push the event directly to the storage queue subscriber handler.

This solution didn't require any coding.


Your approach is correct. I did the same in my application When multiple user uploads images on blob, I added blob name and url on storage Queue. You can create Azure function to process message from the queue but make sure your Azure function batchSize is 1

Azure function Storage Queue trigger defatult batch size is 16 and it will process 16 messages in parallel. host.json

Example API code to create a new entity and upload entity detail in Queue.

await this.adRepository.AddEntity(ad);           
        var adDto = this.mapper.Map<AzureSearchServiceDto>(ad);

        //Push data in Queue
        await this.storageService.PushMessageIntoQueue(AppConstraint.ImageVerificationQueue, adDto .ToJson());

Function To verify the image and Create thumbnail images

    public async Task Run([QueueTrigger("%ImageVerificationQueue%", Connection = "StorageConnection")]string message, ILogger log)
        log.LogInformation($"ImageVerificationFunction processed: {message}");
        var azureSearchServiceDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AzureSearchServiceDto>(message);
        await this.imageVerificationService.Verify(azureSearchServiceDto);

storageService is my custom service to send messages in Storage Queue