
This is what in may.svg

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
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 width="288.000000pt" height="143.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 288.000000 143.000000"
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<g transform="translate(0.000000,143.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
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64 -88 99 -105 31 -14 31 -14 6 3 -55 38 -90 81 -90 109 0 46 66 98 162 130
76 25 96 28 248 28 106 0 181 -4 209 -13 42 -12 46 -11 125 28 100 50 169 69
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-12 -39 -15 -74 -10 -124 53 -211 211 -289 98 -48 155 -59 300 -59 173 0 291
41 408 142 36 31 58 44 58 35 0 -29 87 -112 151 -143 141 -70 238 -88 474 -88
155 0 179 2 270 27 119 33 186 64 243 113 49 42 72 81 72 122 0 29 0 29 77 36
178 16 307 63 351 126 29 44 28 69 -7 117 l-30 41 46 12 c58 17 154 79 182
118 39 56 45 88 26 137 -28 75 -131 146 -250 174 l-50 12 0 72 c0 79 -10 101
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  <svg width="1000" height="1000">
<g class=flex >

<image href="may.svg" width="100" height="700"></image>


I have an svg pic, i want to scale it vertically and horizontally like this enter image description here to this

enter image description here i tried viewbox but it only scaled horizontally this is my html if it`d help

  <svg width="1000" height="1000">
<g class=flex >
<image href="may.svg" width="100" height="700"></image>

If i change the height and width in my svg image, it only change picture`s width and height with its ratio. How can I display my svg image with my own width and height ratio

What method should i use. Thanks

We can't diagnose issues from raster images. Please edit your quesion to include a minimal reproducible example ideally as a Stack SnippetRobert Longson
Sorry for sorry for inconvenience, I editted my post. Are there anything else you want to know. Sorry for my bad EnglishMr.Potato
What's in may.svg? Can you use a Stack Snippet so we can run this and see a demonstration of the problem please?Robert Longson
I editted my post, will that help?Mr.Potato
The snippet has horizontal and vertical scrollbars so. What exactly is the problem here?Robert Longson

1 Answers


Use a SVG fragment identifier e.g.

<image href="may.svg#svgView(viewBox(0,0,200,200))" width="100" height="700"></image>

Use whatever numbers are appropriate.