
I have a situation that I cannot change: one database table (table A) accepts 6 decimal places, while a related column in a different table (table B) only has 3 decimal places.

I need to copy from A to B, but if A has more than 3 decimal places the extra data will be lost. I cant change the table definition but I can add a workaround. So I'm trying to find out how to check if a decimal has more than 3 decimal places or not?


Table A
Id, Qty,  Unit(=6dp)
1,  1,     0.00025
2,  4000,  0.00025

Table B
Id, TotalQty(=3dp)

I want to be able to find out if Qty * Unit from Table A has more than 3 decimals (row 1 would fail, row 2 would pass):

if (CountDecimalPlaces(tableA.Qty * tableA.Unit) > 3)
    return false;
tableB.TotalQty = tableA.Qty * tableA.Unit;

How would I implement the CountDecimalPlaces(decimal value) {} function?


13 Answers


You could compare the value of the number rounded to 3 decimal places with the original value.

if (Decimal.Round(valueDecimal, 3) != valueDecimal)
   //Too many decimals

This works for 3 decimal places, and it can be adapted for a generic solution:

static bool LessThan3DecimalPlaces(decimal dec)
    decimal value = dec * 1000;
    return value == Math.Floor(value);
static void Test()
    Console.WriteLine(LessThan3DecimalPlaces(1m * 0.00025m));
    Console.WriteLine(LessThan3DecimalPlaces(4000m * 0.00025m));

For a real generic solution, you'll need to "deconstruct" the decimal value in its parts - take a look at Decimal.GetBits for more information.

Update: this is a simple implementation of a generic solution which works for all decimals whose integer part is less than long.MaxValue (you'd need something like a "big integer" for a trully generic function).

static decimal CountDecimalPlaces(decimal dec)
    Console.Write("{0}: ", dec);
    int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(dec);
    ulong lowInt = (uint)bits[0];
    ulong midInt = (uint)bits[1];
    int exponent = (bits[3] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
    int result = exponent;
    ulong lowDecimal = lowInt | (midInt << 32);
    while (result > 0 && (lowDecimal % 10) == 0)
        lowDecimal /= 10;

    return result;

static void Foo()
    Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(1m * 0.00025m));
    Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(4000m * 0.00025m));

This is a very simple one line code to get count of decimals in a Decimal:

decimal myDecimal = 1.000000021300010000001m;
byte decimals = (byte)((Decimal.GetBits(myDecimal)[3] >> 16) & 0x7F);

Multiplying a number with 3 decimal places by 10 to the power of 3 will give you a number with no decimal places. It's a whole number when the modulus % 1 == 0. So I came up with this...

bool hasMoreThanNDecimals(decimal d, int n)
    return !(d * (decimal)Math.Pow(10, n) % 1 == 0);

Returns true when n is less than (not equal) to the number of decimal places.


The basics is to know how to test if there are decimal places, this is done by comparing the value to its rounding

double number;
bool hasDecimals = number == (int) number;

Then, to count 3 decimal places, you just need to do the same for your number multiplied by 1000:

bool hasMoreThan3decimals = number*1000 != (int) (number * 1000)

All of the solutions proposed so far are not extensible ... fine if you are never going to check a value other than 3, but I prefer this because if the requirement changes the code to handle it is already written. Also this solution wont overflow.

int GetDecimalCount(decimal val)
    if(val == val*10)
        return int.MaxValue; // no decimal.Epsilon I don't use this type enough to know why... this will work

    int decimalCount = 0;
    while(val != Math.Floor(val))
        val = (val - Math.Floor(val)) * 10;
    return decimalCount;

carlosfigueira solution will need to check for 0 otherwise "while ((lowDecimal % 10) == 0)" will produce an infinity loop when called with dec = 0

static decimal CountDecimalPlaces(decimal dec)
        if (dec == 0)
            return 0;
        int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(dec);
        int exponent = bits[3] >> 16;
        int result = exponent;
        long lowDecimal = bits[0] | (bits[1] >> 8);
        while ((lowDecimal % 10) == 0)
            lowDecimal /= 10;
        return result;

    Assert.AreEqual(0, DecimalHelper.CountDecimalPlaces(0m));      
    Assert.AreEqual(1, DecimalHelper.CountDecimalPlaces(0.5m));
    Assert.AreEqual(2, DecimalHelper.CountDecimalPlaces(10.51m));
    Assert.AreEqual(13, DecimalHelper.CountDecimalPlaces(10.5123456978563m));

One more option based on @RodH257's solution, but reworked as an extension method:

public static bool HasThisManyDecimalPlacesOrLess(this decimal value, int noDecimalPlaces)
    return (Decimal.Round(value, noDecimalPlaces) == value);

You can then call that as:

If !(tableA.Qty * tableA.Unit).HasThisManyDecimalPlacesOrLess(3)) return;

There is probably a more elegant way to do this, but off the top of my head I would try

  1. a = multiply by 1000
  2. b = truncate a
  3. if (b != a) then there is additional precision that has been lost
    bool CountDecimalPlaces(decimal input)
        return input*1000.0 == (int) (input*1000);

Here is my version:

public static int CountDecimalPlaces(decimal dec)
    var a = Math.Abs(dec);
    var x = a;
    var count = 1;
    while (x % 1 != 0)
        x = a * new decimal(Math.Pow(10, count++));

    var result = count - 1;

    return result;

I tried first @carlosfigueira/@Henrik Stenbæk, but their version does not work with 324000.00m


Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(0m)); //0
Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(0.5m)); //1
Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(10.51m)); //2
Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(10.5123456978563m)); //13
Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(324000.0001m)); //4
Console.WriteLine(CountDecimalPlaces(324000.0000m)); //0

could you convert it to a string and just do a len function or would that not cover your situation?

follow up question: would 300.4 be ok?

Public Function getDecimalCount(decWork As Decimal) As Integer

    Dim intDecimalCount As Int32 = 0
    Dim strDecAbs As String = decWork.ToString.Trim("0")

    intDecimalCount = strDecAbs.Substring(strDecAbs.IndexOf(".")).Length -1

    Return intDecimalCount

End Function