I am trying to run Cox proportional hazard model on a data of 4 groups. Here's the data:
I am using this code:
time_Allo_NHL<- c(28,32,49,84,357,933,1078,1183,1560,2114,2144)
censor_Allo_NHL<- c(rep(1,5), rep(0,6))
time_Auto_NHL<- c(42,53,57,63,81,140,176,210,252,476,524,1037)
censor_Auto_NHL<- c(rep(1,7), rep(0,1), rep(1,1), rep(0,1), rep(1,1), rep(0,1))
time_Allo_HOD<- c(2,4,72,77,79)
censor_Allo_HOD<- c(rep(1,5))
time_Auto_HOD<- c(30,36,41,52,62,108,132,180,307,406,446,484,748,1290,1345)
censor_Auto_HOD<- c(rep(1,7), rep(0,8))
myData <- data.frame(time=c(time_Allo_NHL, time_Auto_NHL, time_Allo_HOD, time_Auto_HOD),
censor=c(censor_Allo_NHL, censor_Auto_NHL, censor_Allo_HOD, censor_Auto_HOD),
group= rep(1:4,), each= )
The problem is each group has different number of observations. What I should modify in the code :
myData <- data.frame(time=c(time_Allo_NHL, time_Auto_NHL, time_Allo_HOD, time_Auto_HOD),
censor=c(censor_Allo_NHL, censor_Auto_NHL, censor_Allo_HOD,
censor_Auto_HOD), group= rep(1:4,), each= )
Instead of writing each=#
so I can run the code properly in order to complete doing the Cox proportional hazard model?
Then I have attempted to run a Cox proportional hazard model using the following code:
for(i in 1:43){
if (myData$group[i]==2)
else myData$Z1[i]<-0
for(i in 1:43){
if (myData$group[i]==3)
else myData$Z2[i]<-0
for(i in 1:43){
if (myData$group[i]==4)
else myData$Z3[i]<-0
Coxfit<-coxph(Surv(time,censor)~Z1+Z2+Z3, data = myData)
This is all I got. There's no valuse!!
Next, I want to test for an interaction between type of transplant and disease type using main effects and interaction terms.
The code I'm going to use:
for (i in 1:n){
if (myData$(here?)[i]==2)
myData$W1[i] <-1
else myData$W1[i]<-0
for (i in 1:n){
if (myData$(here?)[i]==2)
myData$W2[i] <-1
else myData$W2[i]<-0
Coxfit.W<-coxph(Surv(time,censor)~W1+W2+W1*W2, data = myData)
I'm not sure what it should be written in here (myData$(here?)
from the above code.