
I am trying to write Matrix class. I am using unique_ptr as a storage pointer array. But this unique_ptr is private member of class. I want to add move constructor to my Matrix class. But I need getter function for private unique_ptr but when I return unique_ptr as a const variable I can not use std::move but when I return getter function without const reference compiler doesn't not allow this.


template <typename _T>
    class Matrix_
        size_t rows_;
        size_t cols_;
        size_t size_;
        std::unique_ptr<_T[]> data_;        
        Matrix_(const Matrix_& _m); //Copy constructor
        Matrix_(Matrix_&& _m) noexcept; //Move constructor
        Matrix_(const size_t& rows);
        Matrix_(const size_t& rows,const size_t& cols);
        Matrix_(const size_t& rows,const size_t& cols,const _T& val);
        Matrix_& operator=(const Matrix_& _m); //Copy assignment
        Matrix_& operator=(Matrix_&& _m) noexcept; //Move assignment
        size_t getRows()const;
        size_t getCols()const;
        size_t getSize()const;
        const std::unique_ptr<_T[]>& getData()const;
        void copyData(const std::unique_ptr<_T[]>& _data);

        void fill(const _T& val);
    template <typename _T>
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(const Matrix_& _m):rows_(_m.getRows()),cols_(_m.getCols()),size_(rows_*cols_),data_(std::make_unique<_T[]>(size_))
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(Matrix_&& _m)noexcept:rows_(_m.getRows()),cols_(_m.getCols()),size_(rows_*cols_),data_(std::move(_m.getData()))
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(const size_t& rows):rows_(rows),cols_(1),size_(rows_*cols_),data_(std::make_unique<_T[]>(size_))
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(const size_t& rows,const size_t& cols):rows_(rows),cols_(cols),size_(rows_*cols_),data_(std::make_unique<_T[]>(size_))
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(const size_t& rows,const size_t& cols,const _T& val):rows_(rows),cols_(cols),size_(rows_*cols_),data_(std::make_unique<_T[]>(size_))
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>& Matrix_<_T>::operator=(const Matrix_& _m)
        rows_ = _m.rows_;
        cols_ = _m.cols_;
        size_ = rows_*cols_;
        data_ = std::make_unique<_T[]>(size_);
        return *this;
    template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>& Matrix_<_T>::operator=(Matrix_&& _m)noexcept{
        rows_ = _m.rows_;
        cols_ = _m.cols_;
        size_ = rows_*cols_;
        data_ = std::move(_m.getData());
        return *this;
    template <typename _T>size_t Matrix_<_T>::getRows()const{return rows_;}
    template <typename _T>size_t Matrix_<_T>::getCols()const{return cols_;}
    template <typename _T>size_t Matrix_<_T>::getSize()const{return size_;}    
    template <typename _T>const std::unique_ptr<_T[]>& Matrix_<_T>::getData()const{return data_;}
    template <typename _T>void Matrix_<_T>::copyData(const std::unique_ptr<_T[]>& _data){        
        for(uint i=0;i<size_;i++){data_[i]=_data[i];}
    template <typename _T>void Matrix_<_T>::fill(const _T& val){
        for(uint i=0;i<size_;i++){data_[i]=val;}
    template <typename _T>


int main()
   Matrix_<double> a(10,10,5.0);
   Matrix_<double> b(10,10);
   b = std::move(a);

   return 0;


error: use of deleted function ‘std::unique_ptr<_Tp [], _Dp>& std::unique_ptr<_Tp [], _Dp>::operator=(const std::unique_ptr<_Tp [], _Dp>&) [with _Tp = double; _Dp = std::default_delete<double []>]’
         data_ = std::move(_m.getData());
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7/bits/locale_conv.h:41:0,
                 from /usr/include/c++/7/locale:43,
                 from /usr/include/c++/7/iomanip:43,
                 from /home/cemo/YZlib/Examples/Test.cpp:3:
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/unique_ptr.h:654:19: note: declared here
       unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
Why do you need a getter for internal data representation and who should be the owner of this data after getter call? Should it still be owned by Matrix_ or should getter caller become the sole owner of data?Yksisarvinen
owner must be same I need getter for reaching data member of arguments for example 'Matrix_<_T>::Matrix_(Matrix_&& m)' I need reach data variable of _mYlmzCmlttn
That's a member function. Members functions have access to all private members of the class (no matter if you want to access the same or different object, class is the same). You'd only need a getter if you need to access it from outside of the class (a.k.a. any function which is not a member of Matrix_)Yksisarvinen
Thank you. I didn't know that. But still I wonder why I can not move with using getData() I return private member as a referenceYlmzCmlttn
Don't use an identifier starting with an underscore followed by capital letter; these are reserved for the implementation. Don't forget to make the move assignment noexcept also.aschepler

2 Answers


Don't use the getter in your move constructor or move assignment. Just use the member directly. I would probably do this for all members, to make it obvious they match up.

template <typename T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(Matrix &&m) noexcept :
    rows_(m.rows_), cols_(m.cols_), size_(m.size_), data_(std::move(m.data_))
   // changes needed to m?

template <typename T>
Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator=(Matrix &&m) noexcept
    rows_ = m.rows_;
    cols_ = m.cols_;
    size_ = m.size_;
    data_ = std::move(m.data_);
    // changes needed to m?
    return *this;

A class always has access to its own members (no matter which object they're accessed through).

Be sure to consider what should happen to m now that its data_ is a null pointer. Should its rows_, cols_, and size_ be set to zero, or doesn't it matter? Normally a moved-from object should be left in a "valid but unspecified" state, whatever you decide that means for your class. At a minimum, calling the destructor should be valid, and assigning it to something else should work as expected; these are already the case.

Since the getter isn't needed here, it's a separate question whether the public interface should include a getter at all, or if it should have a more convenient return type like just const T* or T*.



 template <typename _T>
    Matrix_<_T>& Matrix_<_T>::operator=(Matrix_&& _m) noexcept {
        rows_ = _m.rows_;
        cols_ = _m.cols_;
        size_ = rows_*cols_;
        data_ = std::move(_m.data_);
        return *this;

Will fix the code. You don't need to use getter function inside the class, only when you want to access the member outside the class.