
I am using AppSync for my APP. Here is a quick look of my Schema.graphql file

type Item @model
  @auth(rules: [
    { allow: public, provider: apiKey, operations: [read] },
    { allow: groups, groups: ["admin"] }
  ]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  soldUnits: String!
  soldAs: [Float!]
  price: Float!
  isAvailable: Boolean!
  availableAmount: Float!
  category: String!
  isVeg: Boolean!
  offer: [String!]
  about: String
  storage: String
  benifits: String
  otherInfo: String
  rating: Int
  keywords: [String!]
  reviews: [String]
  images: [String]
  updatedBy: String
  addedBy: String
  qty: Int
  inventroy: Inventory @connection(name: "ItemInventory")

type User @model {
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  about: String
  phoneNumber: String
  email: String
  countryCode: String
  addresses: [Address] @connection
  orders: [Order] @connection(name: "OwnOrder")

type CartItem {
    id: ID!
    count: Int!
    name: String!
    price: Float

type Address @model {
  id: ID!
  lat: Float!
  long: Float!
  fullAddress: String!
  apartment: String!
  street: String
  area: String!
  district: String!
  city: String
  state: String!
  zip: Int!
  country: String!
  phoneNumber: String!

type InventoryAddress @model {
  id: ID!
  address: Address @connection
  inventroy: Inventory! @connection(name: "InventoryAddress")

type Order @model {
  id: ID!
  orderdate: AWSDate!
  ordertime: AWSTime!
  deliverySlot: String!
  deliveryDate: AWSDate!
  deliveryInput: String!
  deliveryPhoneNumber: String!
  deliveryPhoneCountryCode: String!
  deliveryAddress: String!
  deliveredTime: AWSDate
  deliveredDate: AWSDate
  deliveryCharges: Float!
  totalAmount: Float!
  paidAmount: Float!
  discount: Float!
  unpaidAmount: Float!
  status: String!
  paymentMethod: String!
  paymentId: String!
  itemsCount: Int!
  items: [CartItem]
  deliverAssignedTo: Patron @connection(name: "PatronOrder")
  owner: User @connection(name: "OwnOrder")
  inventroyDetails: Inventory @connection(name: "InventoryOrder")

type Patron @model {
  id: ID!
  age: Int!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  about: String
  workTime: String
  rating: Int!
  reviews: [String]
  addressProof: String!
  role: String
  workArea: Address @connection
  address: Address @connection
  deliveries: [Order] @connection(name: "PatronOrder")
  inventroyDetails: Inventory! @connection(name: "PatronInventory")
  addedItems: [Item] @connection

type Inventory @model {
  id: ID!
  address: InventoryAddress @connection(name: "InventoryAddress")
  patron: [Patron] @connection(name: "PatronInventory")
  items: [Item] @connection(name: "ItemInventory")
  orders: [Order] @connection(name: "InventoryOrder")
  manager: Patron @connection
  admins: [Patron] @connection

This is my GraphQL Schema generated in AppSync. I am able to query the data and do create mutation, but update and delete mutation is not working.

mutation UpdateAddressInput {
   area:"New Delhi"

This is an example query , as you can see the return data below, it's not reflecting in dynamoDB

  "data": {
    "updateAddress": {
      "id": "af5cd7e6-8213-48b6-aa8e-9d2d6999742c",
      "area": "Electronic City"
Did you figure this out? I'm in the same boat. I can create a record, then after that I can't update it, only the version increments.Mark

2 Answers


Even working with AWS Amplify, I prefer to go to the AppSync console and select the queries, and mutations this way you'll see what's happening and what's needed behind the scenes to do your mutations.

An update mutation sample bellow, extracted from the AppSync console - instead of using codegen from Amplify.

input UpdateRuralAddressInput {
    id: ID!
    latitude: String
    longitude: String
    stateCity: String
    status: Int
    _version: Int

Note that field version is required to do the update.

I'm just pointing it out to help others with this issue, that's how I'm working with Amplify + Appsync client in Lambdas

So, before applying any update mutation execute a "get by id" query, plus update the model that comes from the request body accordingly. This way not only the field version will remains Ok, but other aspects as well.

A sample of updating in the Lambda handler function. Note: You'll need to delete the property __typename

    const updateRuralAddressRequest = JSON.parse(event.body);
    const client = await appsyncClient.hydrated();

    const ruralAddressQuery = await client.query({ query: gql(queryRuralAddress), variables: { id: updateRuralAddressRequest.id } });
    const ruralAddressFromDb = ruralAddressQuery.data.getRuralAddress;

    const updateRuralAddressInput = { ...ruralAddressFromDb, ...updateRuralAddressRequest };
    delete updateRuralAddressInput.__typename;

    const data = await client.mutate({ mutation: gql(updateRuralAddressMutation), variables: { updateRuralAddressInput } });

Notice that both my query and my update mutation must contains the version field.

export const queryRuralAddress = `
  query GetRuralAddressByID($id: ID!) {
    getRuralAddress(id: $id) {

export const updateRuralAddressMutation = `
    mutation UpdateRuralAddress($updateRuralAddressInput:UpdateRuralAddressInput!) {
      updateRuralAddress(input: $updateRuralAddressInput) {

You’ll see an auto generated field “_version” in your dynamoDB Table. See the value of _version for the ID you want to update area field.when you fetch address,you'll get a field "_version". Try Something like this

mutation UpdateAddressInput {  
     area:"New Delhi",

     _version:variable name // _version value in dynamoDB table for                                
                            //  the desired row.
