I have number of tasks assigned to me in Excel sheet (Sheet name: Status) where i enter closed date in column AC. I want to count closed tasks based on month and year of closing. But i have many tasks not closed and i enter in the corresponding cell(in column AC) with hyphen(-). I use the following formula to count the number of task closed.
SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(Status!$AC$1:$AC$100)=MONTH(DATEVALUE(G21&" 1")))*(YEAR(Status!$AC$1:$ACA$100)=2020))
If cells from AC1 to AC100 are entered with date, the formula works. But when i have task not closed i enter hyphen(-) in some cells(between AC1 to AC100) the formula returns the error #VALUE!
Can you please help how to count closed tasks based on month and year in the range AC1:AC100 excluding hyphens with a formula in a cell(H21). I have month name(format: MMM) in another sheet starts from G21. Formula entered in H21.
actually beYEAR(Status!$AC$1:$AC$100)=2020
i.e. columnsAC
? – John F