I have a dataframe of patients and operations, with 6 date columns. The dates are in the format of day-month-year. To get the hospital length of stay I need to subtract the admission date [ADMIDATE] from the discharge date (DISDATE). I want to change the date columns to datetime columns.
As an example
0 06/06/2014 07/06/2014
1 23/06/2014 23/06/2014
if use
pd.read_csv('/Users/.......csv', parse_dates=['ADMIDATE', 'DISDATE'])
I get
0 2014-06-06 2014-07-06
1 2014-06-23 2014-06-23
and the 7th June is turned into the 6th July.(DISDATE , row[0] ) If I use the more strict
for col in ['ADMIDATE', 'DISDATE']:
df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col], format='%d/%m/%Y')
it works
0 2014-06-06 2014-06-07
1 2014-06-23 2014-06-23
But it won't accept the many empty rows where for instance the patient hasn't yet been discharged at the time of data collection. I can format the date columns in excel to get the csv into year-month-day format and then use parse dates and it works correctly but I would like to know what I can do with to_datetime