
I'm trying to run a VBScript from within another VBScript without creating a new process. I am able to do it using Powershell like so:

Main Script:

# some main script code here
"&'$scriptPath'" | Invoke-Expression
# some main script code here

In Powershell, the above command runs the PowerShell code inside $scriptPath as if it was a part of the Main script, i.e. running it in the same process.

I would like to achieve this using VBScript.
I've searched the web and aware of objShell.Run "<scriptPath>", but this command is running the code in <scriptPath> in a different process, and not as if it was a part of the main script. Also I'm aware of the option to read the file content and execute it, but I prefer not to if possible.

How this can be achieved using VBScript?

Thank you, reading the file content indeed works fine. I'm trying to find a way to do it without reading the file content if possible (will mention in my post)mike

1 Answers


You'll want to review VBScript's Eval function, and Execute and ExecuteGlobal statements. For example:

Option Explicit

Dim a : a = 8
Dim b : b = 13

' Dynamically inject a new GetSum() Function into this script...
Execute "Function GetSum(ByVal x, ByVal y) : GetSum = x + y : End Function"

' Dynamically call GetSum() with in-script variables and store the result...
Dim result : result = Eval("GetSum(" & CStr(a) & ", " & CStr(b) & ")")

WScript.Echo result

As you can see from above, strings are executed and evaulated in-process without running a separate process or reading a separate file.

For future maintenance efforts and more readable scripts, I might suggest using a .wsf script file rather than .vbs, and place larger string blocks within <resource id="x">...</resource> elements, then read the strings with getResource("x")

Hope this info helps.