I need to update the attribute employeeID for a number of users in AD using powershell. Unfortunately, I don't have their username or samaccountname, only DisplayName. I'm able to get the users using DisplayName as a filter, but it doesn't work when using set-aduser. Is there any way I can use get-aduser to get the samaccountname, then using that to update the user via set-aduser?
Also, please note that it is important that the script doesn't overwrite any existing values.
My current (non-functional) script:
$csv = Import-Csv c:\test\users.csv
foreach ($line in $csv) {
$ADUserObject = Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$line.displayname'" -Properties employeeID
if ($null -eq $ADUserObject.EmployeeID) {
Set-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$line.displayname'" -employeeID $line.employeeid
The CSV file looks like this:
489900,Angela,Davis,Angela Davis
Any input or suggestions appreciated, thank you!
"DisplayName -eq '$line.displayname'"
->"DisplayName -eq '$($line.displayname)'"
– Mathias R. Jessen$ADUserObject |Set-ADUser ...
– Mathias R. Jessen