I'm trying to test a function wich walks through a class, takes the public properties and makes an object with it. The non public properties are ignored in the output. So ,I mock the class that will be processed and add it some properties. This is my code :
class GetSettingsTest extends TestCase
public function getExpected() {
return (object) [
"one" => (object) [
"oneOne" => "1.1",
"oneTwo" => "1.2",
"oneThree" => (object) [
"oneThreeOne" => "1.3.1",
"oneThreeTwo" => "1.3.2",
"two" => (object) [
"twoOne" => "2.1",
"twoTwo" => "2.2",
"twoThree" => (object) [
"twoThreeOne" => "1.3.1",
"twoThreeTwo" => "1.3.2",
"three" => (object) [
"threeOne" => "3.1",
"threeTwo" => "3.2"
// four is not here : it is protected or private.
public function getSettingsMock() {
$stub = $this->getMockBuilder('FakeSettingsClass')
$stub->one = (array) [
"oneOne" => "1.1",
"oneTwo" => "1.2",
"oneThree" => (array) [
"oneThreeOne" => "1.3.1",
"oneThreeTwo" => "1.3.2",
$stub->two = (array) [// provide an array, must return an object
"twoOne" => "2.1",
"twoTwo" => "2.2",
"twoThree" => (object) [// provide an object, must return an object
"twoThreeOne" => "1.3.1",
"twoThreeTwo" => "1.3.2",
$stub->three = (array) [
"threeOne" => "3.1",
"threeTwo" => "3.2"
$stub->four = (array) [
// I want this to be protected or private to be not present in the output.
"fourOne" => "4.1",
"fourTwo" => "4.2"
return $stub;
public function testGetSettings() {
$expected = $this->getExpected();
$getSettings = new GetSettings($this->getSettingsMock());
$value = $getSettings->getSettings();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $value);
The function works well with a var_dump, it ignores non-public values as expected. The test works without the non-public part, but I want to test it with the non-public part. I can't figure how to test the non-public part in Phpunit. Probably by setting a protected value in the getSettingMock function but how can I do that?
) and use its instance in your tests. – xmike