
My apologies for this one small question but i'm checking out to convert the xamarin uitest project to dotnet core. But i'm facing difficulties. When I create a new xamarin uitest project it is automatically in 4.6 and I don't have the option to set it to core. When I create a dotnet core class lib and add the xamarin uitest nuget package it will warn me that it was restored with net framework 461.

Package 'Xamarin.UITest 3.0.7' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1,

I just can't believe that UITest is not compatible with dotnet core... So i anybody can tell me this is the case or can point me why it is warning me and how to solve it that would be great. Thanks!


1 Answers


Yeah, I noticed the same today. I wanted to change my UITest project to .Net Core but got the same warnings as you:

enter image description here

also looks like there may be other issues based on this question

However, the prerelease version Xamarin.UITest 3.0.8-dev1 seems to not show any warnings even tho they target the same.

enter image description here