
I am trying to parse text in an image of a restaurant bill. I've been able to set up the ruby AWS SDK which has the Rekognition client using this example. Moreover, locally I have been able to make a call to Rekognition, passing an image locally.

When I make the call with #detect_text (docs), I get a response and the response has TextDetections which represent either lines or words in the image. I would like however that response to only contain TextDetections of type LINE. Here are my questions:

  1. Is it possible to get a response back that only contains TextDetections of type LINE?
  2. Is it possible to increase the limit of words detected in an image? Apparently according to the docs:

DetectText can detect up to 50 words in an image That sounds like a hard limit to me.

  1. Is there a way I can get around the limit of 50 words in an image? Perhaps I can make multiple calls on the same image where Rekognition can parse the same image multiple times until it has all the words?
From my knowledge: No you can't limit the response, No you can't increase the limit, No, but cropping and parsing multiple times is a common method used. You might be better-off using an OCR library rather than Rekognition, since Rekognition's primary purpose is detecting objects rather than text.John Rotenstein

1 Answers


Yes. You cannot detect more than 50 words in an image. A workaround is to crop the image into multiple images, and run DetectText on each cropped image.