Is it possible to generate table indexes along with the rest of the database schema with Fluent NHibernate? I would like to be able to generate the complete database DDL via an automated build process.
3 Answers
Do you mean indexes on columns?
You can do it manually in your ClassMap<...>
files by appending .SetAttribute("index", "nameOfMyIndex")
, e.g. like so:
Map(c => c.FirstName).SetAttribute("index", "idx__firstname");
or you can do it by using the attribute features of the automapper - e.g. like so:
After having created your persistence model:
var model = new AutoPersistenceModel
void ApplyIndex(IndexedAttribute attr, IProperty info)
info.SetAttribute("index", "idx__" + info.Property.Name");
and then do this to your entities:
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
I like the latter. Is is a good compromise between not being non-instrusive to your domain model, yet still being very effective and clear on what is happening.
Mookid's answer is great and helped me a lot, but meanwhile the ever evolving Fluent NHibernate API has changed.
So, the right way to write mookid sample now is the following:
model.ConventionDiscovery.Setup(s =>
//other conventions to add...
where IndexedPropertyConvention is the following:
public class IndexedPropertyConvention : AttributePropertyConvention<IndexedAttribute>
protected override void Apply(IndexedAttribute attribute, IProperty target)
target.SetAttribute("index", "idx__" + target.Property.Name);
The [Indexed] attribute works the same way now.