I am calling a camel route from a Spring Boot controller. The camel route calls a REST service which returns a string value and I am trying to return that value from the camel route to the controller. Below is the Spring Boot controller:
public class DemoClientController {
@Autowired private ProducerTemplate template;
public String sayHello() throws Exception {
String response = template.requestBody("direct:sayHelloGet", null, String.class);
return response;
And below is my camel route:
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.log("Route reached")
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, simple("GET"))
In the route, the log is printing the return value from the REST service but that String is not returned to the controller. Can anyone please suggest how to return the value to the Spring Boot controller?
The Spring Boot version I am using is 2.2.5 and Apache Camel version is 3.0.1.