
when I am trying to select a node in the Vuetify tree-view in leaf mode, I am getting only the leaf nodes in the v-model. Is there a way that I could get all the children node along with the selected parent node.

Vuetify Version: 2.2.18

Link to the code: https://codepen.io/pen/?&editable=true&editors=101

Result After selection:

enter image description here

Actual Result:

Child #1
Child #2
Grandchild #1
Grandchild #2

Expected Result:

Child #1
Child #2
Child #3
Grandchild #1
Grandchild #2

2 Answers


The problem is that vuetify removes the parent nodes, as these contain all the child nodes. One solution is to build a computed flattened copy of the items that contains references to the parent nodes.

This can then be recursively looped through via a second computed property (_selection) which adds the parents of the selected items.

working example: https://codepen.io/ellisdod/pen/MWwqYBB?editors=1010

  computed : {
    _items () {
       const replaceChildren = (obj,parent) => {
         const clone = Object.assign({},obj)
         delete clone.children
         if (parent) clone.parent = parent
         return clone

       const addItems = (arr,parent) => {
         const items = arr.reduce((acc,x)=>{


           if (x.children) {
             acc.push(addItems(x.children, x.id))
           return acc

         return items.flat()

       return addItems(this.items).reduce((acc,x)=>{
         return acc
    _selection () {
       const proxy = {}
       addParents = (x, all) => {
         const parentId = this._items[x.id].parent
         if (parentId) {
           if (all) addParents(this._items[parentId])
           proxy[parentId] = this._items[parentId]
         proxy[x.id] = x
      return Object.values(proxy)


The recursion can be toggled with the allParentNodes property.

data : ()=> ({
  allParentNodes : true,

TLDR: use selection-type="fix your god damn documentation"

I know that a moment has passed since this question was asked but I actually found out something interesting having the same problem

Turns out you can achieve desired result with a change in one line of code

You just have to specify selection-type as any string that isn't leaf or independent. Note that selection-type must not be omitted for desired result (it would otherwise default into leaf)

Personally I use fix your god damn documentation to relieve my frustration with said thing (info on described behaviouor is nowhere to be found in there)

Place that lead me to that solution: https://gitmemory.com/issue/vuetifyjs/vuetify/9088/543108633

Codepen: https://codepen.io/liath44/pen/RwoKxVB