
This is my Test plan

Thread Group
- Only Once Controller
* login
-Loop Controller
* operations in GUI .every iteration picks unique data from csv
- Only Once Controller
* logout
I am using in GUI and Summary report .

This is working fine with 1 or 2 users. When I triggered with 10 users , sometime few samples are failing. I dont know where to check for logs.I enables log level to DEBUG and able to see the logs but not much info. Is there a way to check for screenshots on errors what exactly happened in browser that time? . Also how to generate jtl file? error files in Jmeter. Please help.

1) In View Results Listeners, you can monitor the web pages results in HTML/Raw Data too. 2) In the view results tree or summary report in the file name you can give the file name and path eg: C:/users/data1/results.jtlChandra Sekhar Y
Thankyou ! can we use view result listeneres with multiple users ( like 100 users) . In this case what to be used to see the errors?please helpchaatat
In View Results tree listener, you can get the each user Request and Response.Chandra Sekhar Y
While running i saw few samples failed in view result tree listener , then after the run is completed , only few latest samples are shown in view result tree . how to get all the results in view result tree? I exported the results to .jtl file and oppened in summary report. I am seeing for few samples the error % . How to get what is the failure and which user failed and other details from summart report or from .jtl file.Please helpchaatat

1 Answers

  1. Don't use JMeter GUI for load testing, it's designed for tests development and debugging only, start your test in command-line non-GUI mode like:

    jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
  2. When test finishes you can open the result.jtl file with the listener of your choice or generate HTML Reporting Dashboard out of it

If at that stage there are failures you can temporarily enable JMeter to store all the request and response data by adding the next lines to user.properties file:


Don't forget to delete previous result.jtl before the execution.